What they don't tell you about pregnancy:
1. Morning sickness is NOT confined to just the morning, and it can be just as cruel at 7 PM as it was at 7 AM.
2. Brushing your teeth will be the worst part of your day for months, and it can be a vicious cycle: Brush, Gag, Puke, feel the need to Brush again.
3. Your body can survive for months almost exclusively on boxed mac and cheese and chocolate pop-tarts.
4. Seat belts were not made for pregnant bellies, and they will be extremely uncomfortable for months.5. You can have a noticeable bump one day, and it can almost vanish the next, only to return again by the evening.
6. One minute you can have to pee worse than you have ever had to before, and 30 minutes later you realize "No, this is worse than I have ever had to pee before."
7. There is no such thing as a comfortable sleeping position anymore.
8. Getting up in the middle of the night doesn't start when your child is born, it starts nine months before from insomnia and constant bathroom runs.
9. You will know where the bathroom is at every store and restaurant you visit almost from the time you find out you are pregnant.
10. TUMS will become your new favorite candy (and if the myths are true that the more heartburn you have, the more hair your baby will be born with then our daughter may come out with pigtails).
11. Something can sound delicious and before the microwave even beeps it can sound completely disgusting.
12. Breathing out of both nostrils simultaneously is a luxury...one pregnant women may not experience for months.
13. Worrying about your child doesn't start the second they are born, but the second those two lines appear on the stick.
14. Every single one of these symptoms is SO worth it the moment you feel those first little kicks!
Yep, for the past few weeks I am finally starting to feel her moving consistently. She is especially active when I get in bed at night, and Brian has even felt her move a few times. It is the most incredible feeling in the world, and it makes it so much more believable that there is actually a little person in there.
Here are my official 5 month pics and a picture from Brian's sister's wedding a couple weeks ago:
Can you see why I get annoyed when people say "You aren't even showing!" Really?
Front View
Pictures from the wedding: