It has been a relatively slow week around the Sattler house. We had our SST appointment where we set some new goals for Casey. Within the next few months we will be working intensely on helping her to roll over and we are hopeful that she will also be able to sit up with support by her next evaluation date. Casey weighed in at 11 pounds 6 ounces, which is a bit disappointing because it means that she again did not have a great weight gain as she is only up 2.5 ounces. We have not noticed much of a difference from her reflux medicine yet, and due to the stall with her weight gain, our Dietitian suggested we try to take out her midnight feed, allowing her to get more rest at night, but it means we will need to feed more frequently during the day to make up the difference when she does not take full feeds. For babies with reflux, the trend seems to be that discomfort starts after they take in about 2 ounces, and for Casey this is definitely true. We have to carefully weigh whether it is worth pushing her to take more and risk having her spit-up (causing her to not gain weight in the short-term) and possibly develop an oral aversion (long-term disadvantage). These are both things that we are working closely with our Speech Therapist to help us avoid. After trying the new schedule for a few days, we are concerned she is still not taking a large enough volume, and since we don't want to risk another week of poor weight gain, we may have to wait a bit longer to wean her off that late night feed. Casey also had another round of Synagis (RSV shot) this week, and we are hoping she will get one more shot in March (insurance may or may not approve it based on whether RSV season is declining). We are still keeping her very much isolated, especially considering what a terrible RSV season this has been, but watch out world, because The Doodle hopes to make her public debut sometime in April when the warmer weather has killed off all these nasty germs.
We will be making some major adjustments in our world this week as I return to work. While I am definitely excited to get back into the classroom and see my kiddos (and go somewhere more exciting than the grocery store), it is going to be very hard to leave my girl. We are so fortunate that my mom will be taking over for me during the days to watch Casey and that her therapists will continue to work with her at mom's house. My mom has been busy practicing bottle feeds and learning all the techniques to encourage Casey to eat, and mom's house has now been transformed into Baby Central. Please pray that the transition goes smoothly for all of us, and that feedings with my mom continue to be successful. In honor of my return to work, I give you my list of things I've learned on Maternity Leave:
1. Whether working or staying at home, there will never be enough hours in a day, ever!
2. Changing the channel with my foot never goes well, yet I still seem to forget this about once a day and continue to try.
3. It is not a good idea to put on eyeliner while holding a baby.
4. I have decided it is pretty much impossible to get all those snaps right on a baby's clothes on the first try. I am pretty sure someone designed them just to torture tired mommies and daddies
5. We are going to be in for a rude, rude awakening if our next child doesn't sleep through the night.
6. Even if your child does sleep through the night, if you are pumping, you don't get that luxury. I am going on almost 7 months of no more than 5 consecutive hours of sleep, and eagerly looking forward to the day when my pump and I can finally have our "break-up"
7. After a blow out diaper, sometimes it is just better to throw that outfit away. You will never look at it the same again.
8. Preparation times on recipes are only a suggestion (and when you have a baby whose fussy time is any time you decide to cook, you should just plan on doubling that prep time)
9. No matter how many times your child's apnea monitor false alarms, it will still send you running (even when dripping wet from the shower)
10. Someone who weighs 11 pounds can more than double you week's laundry loads, easily!
11. It is nearly impossible to keep both socks on a baby's feet at the same time
12. Nothing can clear our animals out of a room faster than a crying baby...or a vacuum
13. My child's goal in life must be to work her feet out of socks, blankets, or the footie part of her pajamas as fast as possible.
14. Daytime television really stinks. On a related note, Alexandra of the Dr. Phil Family has had TWO more kids and is now in rehab. I have never wanted to jump through a television and shake someone more than her!
15. Every day I can have the same thought "No, THIS is the cutest outfit I have ever seen," hence my philosophy that you can never have too many pictures of your child
16. There is no better feeling in the entire world than when your sweet baby snuggles into your neck (except for maybe every single time that sweet baby looks up at you with her adorable grin)
17. Despite swearing that I would never be one if those wives that didn't puts on makeup or dry my hair when I was staying home, I am now having to eat my words...big time.
18. Work clocks and home clocks cannot possibly operate at the same speed. Three hours at home goes by in an instant, and there are moments at work that seem like hours
19. Television, specifically Grey's Anatomy, does not give an even remotely accurate picture of prematurity. They had yet another opportunity this past week to address it, and I was fuming at the portrayal! I also get mad every time they show Callie and Arizona's 23 weeker and never once mention any issues she might have faced. Ugh! Some day I WILL write them a letter!
20. It bothered me so much to only have 19 things in this list that I had to create a 20th just to tell you how much it bothered me (and they said I would let the little things go when I became a mom. Ha! Still holding strong to my OCD tendencies)
On that note, here are the latest pictures of our adorable 26 weeker:
Pretty in purple
Completely zonked
"Everybody clap your hands!"
Sweet Doodlegirl
Taking a load over to her new home away from home. Ready or not Gigi, here she comes!
Isn't she the cutest?
Sweet dreams