This weekend was a pretty big one, as we went out of town for the first time since Casey's birth. She also celebrated her 8 month birthday on Saturday (5 months adjusted), so this trip has been a long time coming. For her first time away from home, we went to Houston to visit Brian's parents for Easter. It was so good to get out of town for a few days, and Grandma and Grandpa were pretty excited to spend some extra snuggle time with their girl. We quickly learned that our SUV is not so big when you pack it with our luggage, baby gear, baby and of course all three of our dogs were in tow as well. Our excellent car rider chose this as the first time ever that she wasn't asleep in her car seat before we even turned off of our street, and she was a little bit fussy for most of the ride. By dinnertime she was in desperate need of a nap, but after some rest she was back to her happy self. It was a great weekend, and she even rewarded us by sleeping the whole way home today. She has continued to do well over the past week with her rice cereal, although she must have some sort of sixth sense about when I brag on how well she is doing in certain areas, because the spit-ups have made a return this week. Either that or she has decided to already start proving her mother wrong. Looking forward to the teenage years! The other news is that Casey is displaying some serious signs of teething, so we expect our girl may not be toothless much longer! She didn't have a weigh in this week, but we are a little nervous for this week's considering she has shown much less interest in completing her bottles lately. Looks like we may be holding on to that fortifier for a bit longer. Sigh! We hope you all had a wonderful Easter holiday! Here are the pictures from our weekend away and the past week:

Happy Easter!
Not sure what to make of the Paparazzi!
All smiles (this shirt was supposed to also say "Somebunny Loves Me," however the dollar spot at Target failed me, and only the "S" would iron on, so we were just left with a bunny booty. It still looked pretty cute with her adorable skirt from Gigi!)
She discovered that the grass in her basket was pretty exciting
Decided she would be less than cooperative
Easter family pic (out of about 20 there wasn't a single one where all three of us were looking the same way)
Kisses from Grandma
Easter cutie!
Checking out the flowers
Posing with Grandpa
Got one with Daddy
and Mommy too!
Waiting for the Easter bunny to arrive
Ready for her first road trip!
It was a bit crammed in the backseat
Sienna was less than thrilled with her riding accommodations, and decided to make a change when we stopped at a gas station
What Gigi, our Speech and our SST Therapists proclaimed "The Cutest Outfit Ever"
Casey approved as well since it had lots of fun things to play with
Little cutie
Such a happy baby
Little smirk
We got a pretty good kick out of this picture. I put Casey in one of the sleep sacks we used when she was on her apnea monitor, and she managed to weasel her foot out of the tiny slit that we cut in it for her monitor cords to fit through. Luckily, she had only been down for a short nap and wasn't like this all night.