I would love to tell you about our busy and exciting Memorial Day weekend...but that would be a lie. In reality, we stuck close to home, and had a nice relaxing 3 days hanging out together! I did however celebrate a rather big birthday over the weekend (I'll give you a hint, it starts with a 3 and ends with a 0)! I would also love to tell you I don't feel another decade older, but that too would be a big lie. Last week I developed the most horrendous lower back pain, and I'm pretty sure it was my body's way of telling me that yes, I am getting old(er). I can honestly say it was worse than my brief experience with back labor, and unfortunately there weren't any meds strong enough that I could take to make a dent in the pain or to help me sleep. It stunk! And since I used up all my days on maternity leave bonding with Casey when she came home (definitely worth it though), I went to work through it anyway. On a related note, after suffering through the pain for days and not being able to take anything stronger than Tylenol, I did decide to give myself a birthday present. I quit pumping. After almost 10 months, it was time! We have approximately another two months worth of frozen milk, and since our girl is loving purees these days (apples are her new favorite), we will see how long it lasts us.
This is my last week of school, and then Casey and I will be exploring the town this summer! Okay, so we will probably just be hanging out at Gigi's pool most of the time, but if you live in Texas, you know it is about the only way to beat this heat. Temperatures that are already in the mid 90's in May do not bode well for the months to come!
Birthday Pic! We took 3 pictures, and in all of them she stuck her tongue out. She is so her father's child!
Doesn't she just look like she is up to something?
Happy Birthday, Mommy!
Chillin' out!
In case you were wondering what Casey would look like with a full beard!
Practicing one of her many raspberry noises.
On this particular day, she was definitely appropriately dressed. Ms. Crabby Pants only wanted her mama!
Playing with her bib!
Looking like she might topple over
She looked like such a big girl in her jean shorts!
Life is good!
Trying out her new flip-flops
And by the time we got to Gigi's, this is what I found. Guess she had other plans for her new shoes!