It is amazing how fast time flies, and I can't believe Casey is already 13 months old (10 months adjusted). In the past month or so since I have done a real update, her motor skills have really exploded! Her first big accomplishment was getting up on her hands and knees, and she also started rocking back and forth. Just last weekend she figured out how to move from this position into sitting. She has been more than willing to show off this skill in her crib, and then babble or cry until we went in to move her back onto her back. Thankfully, after a few days she did manage to learn how to do this on her own! Over the last few days she has moved from rocking on her hands and knees to a full army crawl, dragging her belly and legs across the floor, which is just the funniest thing to watch. When she gets determined enough to get something, we have even witnessed her crawling forward while still on her knees for one or two movements. We know she is so close to being mobile, which means fully baby proofing the house just moved way up on the to-do list! We have also seen some other developmental milestones in recent weeks, like lifting her arms to us when she wants to be picked up, and anticipating when we are going to tickle her (and knowing where when we tell her we are going to get her nose, belly, and feet). She is also making lots more sounds and babbles, and we have seen a major resurgence of the raspberry noises. Casey is always extremely intent on watching our mouths when we talk, although we are still anxiously waiting for her to say her first word. Probably the funniest thing she is doing these days is when I ask her if mama can have her paci, she will usually think about it, grin, and then take it out of her own mouth and attempt to give it to me. At least she is learning to share, although I have had to develop some quick reflexes to avoid actually getting it in my mouth. Usually I pretend like I am taking it, and she decides that is enough of her generosity, and pulls it away again. Cutest. thing. ever. She has also made some significant progress on the eating front. About a week ago we finally used the last of my frozen milk stash, and with the go ahead from our pediatricians, we have transitioned completely to cow's milk. So far she is doing really well with the change, and hasn't had any tummy problems. Casey has also started not only eating Puffs, but she is now putting them in her own mouth. This is huge for a baby born as early as she was, and who showed some early signs of oral aversion. We are also experimenting with more table foods, as she is showing more and more interest in what we eat. Yesterday she also ate several animal crackers, so major eating progress going on around here! Just in the last few days she has also had a third tooth pop through on the bottom, but she is still toothless on the top. Another big change of late is that Casey is now staying with my mom three days a week, and going to a sitter for the other two. She has done great with the transition, and since our sitter has a little boy just a little older than she is, we are hoping watching him will really help her to progress faster with her own gross and motor development. It will also be really good for her to have some social interaction, as we anticipate that we will be back in modified isolation again starting in October when RSV and cold/flu season pick up again. Boo! Whew! I think that is about it for all the major developments going on. Hopefully I won't wait so long before doing a real update again. Here are some pictures from recent weeks (I have to admit I have been a bit lazy about taking pictures lately. Most morning I have been dropping her off still in her pjs, which has thrown a real kink in our morning photo sessions.) P.S. I have not developed a sudden aversion to using paragraphs, but after multiple attempts, Blogger is still being less than cooperative and keeps deleting my spaces. Ugh!
"Cheese!" |
Such a cute grin! |
Adorable |
Cuteness |
Such a goof! |
"Why yes, Mom, this is your brand new package of post-its I am about to destroy" |
Pretty in purple |
Love her in this yellow dress |
While she may look innocent here... |
While I was busy with my camera, she decided to take advantage of her chance to grab my phone... |
"What do you mean, 'No?' Too late!" |
"I know, I'll just charm her by making cute faces and raspberry noises!" |