Friday, February 14, 2014

We Have BIG News!

 Big Sister!

Thought we should make it blog official...Casey is going to be a big sister!  We are thrilled to announce that we are expecting a baby BOY in July!!!  We have told Casey about the baby, but I don't think she has any clue what that means or how her world is going to be rocked when this "baby" makes his debut! Obviously, given Casey's early delivery and my health, this is considered a high risk pregnancy.  I am being closely monitored by a team of different doctors, and we are taking every precaution to hopefully carry this baby much further than 26 weeks.  My doctors do expect that I will deliver early, but the hope is that I can make it to 38 and maybe even 39 weeks, if both the baby and I remain healthy. As of now, I will see my regular OB on the same timeline as any pregnancy, and I will see a high risk doctor monthly up until 32 weeks, when I will begin weekly high risk appointments.  I also see my endocrinologist at least once a month to help monitor my diabetes and keep my blood sugar as tightly controlled as possible, which can be particularly difficult to do during pregnancy.  My doctors seem to be in agreement that the cause of my pre-term labor and delivery with Casey was my undiagnosed diabetes, but there is no way to be absolutely positive that it was the only cause.  For this reason, I will begin taking weekly progesterone shots in the next couple weeks that are supposed to assist in preventing pre-term labor.  In addition, I am having an obscene amount of blood drawn to monitor everything imaginable, and hopefully catch any other potential problems.  It will be a miracle if I have any blood left at this rate, but it is totally worth it! The good news is that with a high risk pregnancy, I will have monthly ultrasounds, so we will get lots of extra glimpses of our little guy as he grows!  Having experienced what we did with Casey, it is definitely a bit terrifying knowing exactly what to expect should he join us early.  I think knowing every single risk and possible worst case scenario a micro preemie faces may actually be scarier than the not knowing!  As of now, baby boy is healthy and growing right on schedule, and we are hoping for a nice LONG pregnancy.  We appreciate all prayers you can send our way, and I will try to keep the blog updated on our progress!

"Wait, what does that say?"
 Getting in a little practice playing with "boy" toys.  Thinking there will be a lot more of that in our future!
She is going to be the best big sister!

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! Congrats you two!!!! Can't wait to tell the girls in SCN
