Monday, August 8, 2011

Introducing Casey Elise Sattler!!!

Yesterday I awoke ready to settle in to a routine of life in the hospital, and was once again reminded just how quickly your plans for the day can change...
Throughout the morning I noticed I was having some low back pain, and when the nurse came to put me on the monitor for my daily check, she told me I was having some contractions again. They were pretty inconsistent and no one was too worried, but she gave me some medicine to help me rest. When I woke up, my contractions were significantly stronger and they told me they were moving me to Labor and Delivery (What?!?). By the time I got downstairs, I was dilated to 8 cm and it was at that point that I knew there was no turning back, and she was COMING! Things moved pretty quickly after that, and after a rapid epidural and some amazing coaching from my mom (we hadn't quite made it to childbirth classes yet), it was time to push. Our daughter made her dramatic entrance into the world at 5:08 pm, weighing in at 2 lbs 6.5 ounces and 14 inches long. She may be tiny, but she is perfect! Shortly after delivery she needed a breathing tube, but the doctors tell us she is on the lowest supply of oxygen and she is doing well. They are closely monitoring her blood sugar, to make sure that like mommy, her's stays under control.

Casey is doing well today, and she has been busy meeting all her grandparents and family members. The nurse let me help take her temperature and change her diaper today (making me feel very official!). As for me, I am feeling pretty good (apparently I am going to be in for a rude awakening when I actually deliver a full term baby), and the hospital staff are helping to educate me about the reality of living with my Diabetes when I am released (hopefully Wednesday).

Brian and I want to express our deepest gratitude for all the prayers, support, and sweet messages we have received. All of your kind words and encouragement have truly lifted us up, and we feel at peace that our beautiful little girl is in God's miraculous hands and is growing stronger every minute.

I will leave you with some pictures of our precious girl..

The sweetest face

Our first family photo (please excuse the 5 day bedrest hair)

Mommy's little Doodlebug

Daddy's ring fits around her ankle


  1. angela! i heard the news from lyndsay! i am so proud of you! she is just perfect. what a sweet little girl. congratulations!!!

  2. Thanks for the update. I hope things continue to go well and please let me know if I can do anything for y'all.
