Wednesday, January 30, 2013

January Update and Funnies

I know, I know, it has been a while.  I have no shortage of excuses as to why I haven't blogged in so long, but I'll spare you my lengthy list and just get to the update.  In my last post I mentioned that Casey had been putting up a fight at bedtime.  Well it got worse...a whole lot worse.  She went from crying for 10 minutes or so when we put her down, to screaming at the top of her lungs. All. Night. Long!  At that point we knew something more was going on, but of course she chose New Year's Eve to begin the round the clock screamfest, so (after some reassurance from the on call nurse that it was not an emergency and not worth of exposing her to flu or RSV at an after hours clinic) we had to wait until after the holiday before we could get in to see the pediatrician.  When we did take her in, he confirmed a full blown double ear infection.  Not the most exciting start to a new year, but after a round of meds, she has been back to her happy, great sleeping self.

In other news, we are making lots of progress on the walking front.  She often takes several steps, and then she suddenly realizes that she isn't holding on to anything, and will suddenly lunge her body forward for us to catch her.  She gets the biggest grin on her face though after she walks a few steps, especially when we cheer her on.  Words of affirmation definitely has to be this girl's love language. I think she is still just lacking a little confidence, but she is so close! 

It seems like most every day we are laughing about something funny Casey is doing, so I have to share some Casey funnies:

1.  We were playing on the floor one day, and Casey noticed my stomach was showing a little.  I guess she was curious, because she raised up my shirt to investigate and discovered my belly button.  She has become rather fascinated by "finding" it over and over, and much to my dismay is constantly trying to stick her finger inside of it while yelling, "Button!" (Of course it sounds more like "BUTT-n").  Since it really creeps me out, I keep trying to get her to find her own "button," but so far her onesies hide it too well and have made it hard for me to convince her she has one of her own.

2. Casey loves to pretend to go to sleep.  In the middle of playing she will suddenly just fall out on the floor and go completely still like she is sleeping.  When you ask her if she is going night-night she totally gives herself away by giggling.

3.  It is never a good sign when your 17 month old repeats "Uh-oh, Uh-oh" over and over again when you walk out of the room.  Most of the time I think she just likes to say it, but the other day I ran to grab something out of the microwave and returned to find her dumping my almost full Diet Coke all over the carpet while chanting "Uh-oh!" 

4. My friend Alicia brought lunch over one afternoon and we were playing the "Where's the ______ game?"  After going through all the objects in the room and all the body parts she knew I asked her, "Where's the monkey?"  Puzzled, she looked around for a few seconds, then pointed right at Alicia. 

5.  For a while now, Casey has loved to mimic the dogs and the cat when they are whining or meowing.  Lately she has decided to start mimicking us.  She spent the entire car ride home the other night yelling "Hahahahaha!" in the deepest belly laugh. 

6.  This is more of a "You know you're a preemie mama when..." but I use a lot of hand sanitizer.  Now every time Casey sees the bottle she rubs her hands together like she too is putting some on.

7.  When I got to my mom's house the other day, Gigi was excited to show me Casey's new "trick."  She then proceeds to ask Casey, "Do you have a dirty diaper?" and Casey gets a huge grin on her face and says "Shoo!"  Now whenever she sees the diapers on her changing table, she exclaims "Shoo!"

And of course, I couldn't close without some pictures of the Doodle.  Truth be told I've been about as good about taking pictures as I have at blogging lately.  Many of these are just cell phone pics, but since this child is always on the move, it is usually much quicker than grabbing the camera.
 Enjoying our snack outside on a beautiful 73 degree January day in Texas.

This girl would seriously eat her weight in goldfish.  Please note the straw cup.  We are making some progress toward moving away from the bottle people! Slowly, but surely.
 Casey discovered how to push the buttons on my CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitor) to make it light up, and she thinks it is the greatest toy ever. 
We are still pretty obsessed with getting our shoes and socks off in record breaking time.
 "Just chilling with my teapot!"
Someone was just a little excited!
 Sweet little ear infection girl waiting to see the doctor.  I definitely enjoyed the extra snuggles though!

 Such a toy (and cat) hoarder! 
 And just like that, she drops everything and decides to play "night-night."

 Ready for bath time!
Check out that mohawk!  Her hair is finally starting to grow. Seeing lots of potential little pigtails in our future!

 Rolling around on the of her favorite activities.
She's convinced she is going to find a way to escape baby jail.
 Someone decided to pull off her extra coverage bib and wipe her tray clean with it.  I'm pretty sure it's because I'm such a great housekeeper that she just wants to follow my lead., that can't be it?!?
 The other day she decided that it would be super fun to pull off the couch pillows and "hide" under them.

 In an attempt to keep all the little pieces from some of her toys all together, I put them in some plastic containers.  Casey is absolutely unamused and is constantly bringing them to me and whining until I free them again.
 She has also started playing "telephone" all the time.  She loves to put my phone to her ear and wait for me to pretend someone is talking to her in it.

I was eating chocolate ice cream the other day, and someone decided she was a huge fan!

1 comment:

  1. Love the one of her playing "telephone"! So cute!:)Sandy B.
