Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day and First Swim

Today we celebrated Brian's first Father's Day by taking Casey to my parents' house for her first swim. After the initial shock of the cold water, she actually seemed to love it! Some of my favorite memories as a child were of going swimming during the summer, so I am thrilled that she may be the next little fish in the family. We had four cameras going and I think we probably got somewhere in the neighborhood of about 500 pictures between us (don't worry, I won't share them all!).  Casey is so lucky to have such an amazing Daddy who absolutely adores her.  Brian has been so devoted to his girl and never missed a single day visiting her all 130 days she spent in the hospital, even while studying for his PE Exam.  In the beginning, after I went back to work and things were still so touch and go, Brian would drive to the hospital to check on her during his lunch break to get a report in person, and when she moved to Special Care, he would take his books up there and study while she napped.  For many months after she came home, he got up early every morning to do her 6 a.m. feed, and he still gets up many weekend mornings for her first bottle.  When he comes home every evening she always breaks into a huge grin when he walks into the room. Casey is crazy about her Daddy, and it brings a smile to my face every day just watching their interaction.  We are so glad he is ours! Happy Father's Day to Brian and all of the other dads and grandfathers we are fortunate enough to have in our lives!
First Swim
 Lounging in the sun!

 Love their expressions!

Her favorite part of swimming was kicking (she's a natural!)

 Posing with Daddy

Bathing beauty

Daddy's Girl!

All that swimming wore her out!

 I Love Daddy!

This week we broke out all our "Daddy" shirts in honor of Father's Day

 Always giggling!

 Ready for some sun after lots of rain this week!

Much more interested in grabbing me than taking pictures

Finally got her to pose

 ...and then she discovered her bow and decided she would much rather pull it down than pose sweetly

Happy Doodlebug!

 She sleeps just like her mama!

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