Sunday, July 15, 2012


To survive all that she has in her short life, it really comes as no surprise that Casey has a lot of determination.  This week I have seen evidence of it in so many ways.  Her determination has made her quite the rockstar the last few weeks in Physical Therapy, and she has already met more than one of her six month goals.  She is sitting up completely unsupported, she is consecutively rolling across the room, and our physical therapist has been very impressed with her progress.  She also commented that Casey has all the pieces of crawling, and once she figures out how to put them all together we could have a crawler on our hands soon!  In other therapy news, we introduced a sippy cup this week at our speech therapy session, and for her first time Casey did pretty well.  Our therapist suggested it wasn't too early to start getting her used to a sippy cup (and we think it will be much easier for her to hold and tilt upward when she is ready), but at 8 months adjusted, we are still probably going to continue our love/hate relationship with the bottle for a while longer.  We have also noticed that Casey has become extremely determined when it comes to getting what she wants these days...and this week what she wants most seems to be my toes (maybe I should get a pedicure more often?), the drawstring of my pajamas, and my engagement ring (watch out boys, this girl already likes diamonds!).  Who needs toys when you have all those fun things at your fingertips?!?

Thanks so much for all that have taken the time to write and send such sweet notes for Casey's birthday. Several people have asked if there is a deadline for the notes and if there is still time to send them in.  The answer is "Yes!"  I am planning to print them the weekend after her birthday, so it would be great if we had them all by August 10th.  We would love to add a note from you to her collection!  You can send it as a comment on the post linked above (or this one), or e-mail it to

In case you need further proof of our determined little girl, here is a slideshow that demonstrates her persistence in pulling off her hair accessories:
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It sure does make her Mommy a bit sad though that my girl is already making her opinions about her fashion choices known!

11 months already (8 months adjusted age)

Just lounging with my bear (he escaped a beat down this month!)

 She did NOT appreciate it when I took away the month sign that she was trying to completely destroy!  This face kills me.

Then, she decided she had enough, and she was outta there!


Bright summer colors

Still loves to play with her clothes

Waving "Hi!"

This is Casey's favorite face these days!

We took Casey to the park by our house the other day and tried out the swing.  I think she was still a bit too small for it.

Going after my toes!

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