Friday, July 6, 2012

Patriotic Baby

We spent the 4th of July visiting a Butterfly Exhibit at a local museum that my mom had heard about.  The trails were too rough for a stroller, so Brian decided it was the perfect excuse to buy a baby backpack.  I was a bit skeptical, but Casey loved it (which I'm sure means my nature loving husband will be looking for the next opportunity to drag this indoor, air conditioning loving mommy outside again soon!).  When we got to the museum, we realized calling it an "Exhibit" may have been a bit generous.  Years ago I went to what I thought was going to be a similar one that was part of the State Fair, so my expectations were probably a bit high.  There wasn't a whole lot to it, but I will say they packed in a bunch of varieties of butterflies in one small space.  They were really beautiful, and we all had a pretty good (and sweaty) time.   Then, we headed back for some grilling and swimming at my parents' house.  All in all it was a pretty good Independence Day!

In other news, we've been working on a pretty big transition around the Sattler house.  Casey is finally sleeping in her crib!!!  Since she came home from the hospital, she has been sleeping in the co-sleeper beside our bed.  She was definitely outgrowing it, and I knew the longer we waited the harder the move was going to be.  After a few pretty rough attempts at naps in the crib I was worried, but she has done very well overall, and has only cried once during the night and for just a couple of minutes on two nights when we put her down. I think it is safe to say she was ready, and I will admit it was really Mommy that wasn't.  I guess after 130 nights away from her, I just wasn't ready to think about moving her out of our room until now, but I was starting to have fears of sending her to kindergarten still sleeping in our room, and knew it was time.
Happy Patriotic Girl!

Yep, this was it.  The whole Butterfly Exhibit shed!

 Beauty in a backpack

 She loved the new baby backpack, especially because she could grab Daddy's head! (Oh, and that middle picture...told you she was so her Daddy's child)

Checking out the butterflies

 A few of my favorites

Just hitchin' a ride!


It wouldn't be the 4th of July without a little pool time

We of course were decked out in our red, white, and blue much of this week:
 Check out that bow!

 The bow was so cute that we had to get a LOT of mileage out of it this week.

 She looked absolutely adorable in her outfit from Mimi!

And a few others from the week:
 Using those legs!

 My Dad's family was in town last weekend, and Casey got to meet her Aunt Bella! (The fact that she now has her permit, and I was just about to get mine when she was born, makes me feel so OLD!)

 Another of my favorite "Casey faces"

 Love these stripes

 She seriously cracks me up with these looks!

Big girl in her own crib (and still loving to try to rip off the bumper)!

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