Sunday, August 12, 2012

Dear Casey: One Year Letter

Dear Casey,

How can an entire year have possibly already passed?  I remember so vividly the NICU days when I would look at tiny 2 pound you and just pray that you would grow. And now look at you...all 17 pounds 7.5 ounces of cute little baby rolls.  To think one year ago that you would be on the charts for your actual age in height (and so close for weight and head circumference) is just incredible. We have been so blessed to have you in our lives, and I love every second I get to spend watching you grow and learn.  Your newest adorable thing is to look at yourself in the mirror and get the biggest grin on your face.  It might be the cutest thing ever, and it  reassures me that I'm not the only one who thinks you are the most beautiful baby in the world (even if that other person is you)! Oh, and you are also starting to recognize people by name, so of course we spend a lot of our day playing "Where's Mama?" and watching you look at the right person.  You can also identify Daddy, Gigi, Mimi, and sometimes Sienna (we are still working on the other dogs and the cat).  Lately, you have been getting the giggles more and more, and we just laugh right along with you to that sweet sound of your laughter.  It warms my heart that you absolutely adore our animals, and I often catch you breaking into your two-tooth gummy smile when you catch a glimpse of one of them walking into the room (although Porter cat is by far your best bud, probably because he is the only one that is really brave enough to come near you for any significant length of time).  This video taken at the lake a couple of weeks ago shows how enamored you were when one of the dogs started barking (Aunt Kristen and Mommy also helped a little with some encore "woofs").

Doodle Giggles

Your awareness of your surroundings has really blossomed this summer, and you just love to check out everything when you enter a new place.  I have to be super careful when we walk by things because you have also become quite the klepto baby.  On multiple occasions I have discovered that you have grabbed all of the latest birthday cards and wedding invitations off of our fridge as we've passed by and you live for the chance to grab any last minute object off your dresser when I stop to turn off the light.  You have also become quite social lately, and it seems like every time I take you out somewhere, you are charming some stranger with that smile of yours and sometimes even granting them a little wave.  We always get so many compliments about how well behaved and content you seem.  From the day you came home, all of our therapists and doctors have always remarked about how calm and easy going your personality is, although lately Doodle you have become much more vocal about letting me know what you want.  Gone are the days when I could just set you down and you would contentedly play until someone moved you to a different position.  I think it is mostly due to the fact that you are starting to get more and more frustrated that you know what you want and you haven't quite figured out how to move your body far enough to get to things that are just out of your reach.  When you get the hang of this crawling thing, it is going to completely change your world (and ours!).  You have come so far with your physical therapy this summer, and once you learn to get those legs underneath you, there will be no stopping you!  Speaking of legs, one of your favorite things is when we lift you high in the air and you just go to town kicking those chubby legs and feet and grinning from ear to ear!  This game is second only to your other favorite, "I'm Gonna Get You!," which is one of the other ways we elicit those big baby belly laughs we love so much.  Casey, being your Mommy is the best part of every day, and I thank God daily for trusting us to be your parents.  You are the most remarkable, strongest, and happiest girl who has overcome so many tough odds in your short life and I have learned so much from you about God's grace and provision.  I love you more than words my Doodlebug, and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for our little miracle girl.


Here's a look back at what an incredible journey this year has been:

Just Seconds Old (Your very first picture)

 One Day Old (26 Weeks)

1 Month Old (31 Weeks).

2 Months Old (35 Weeks)

3 Months Old (Zero!!)

4 Months Old (1 Month Adjusted). 
(Hopefully someday you will forgive me for my sad handwritten month signs, but with your early entry I never got around to ordering any of those cute sticker ones I  had in my favorites on Etsy (but I don't think they make adjusted age ones anyway), and our printer wouldn't cooperate with any of our functional computers for way longer than I care to admit so you got stuck with my less than stellar handwriting.)

5 Months Old (2 Months Adjusted)

6 Months Old (3 Months Adjusted)

7 Months Old (4 Months Adjusted).  By the way, this was a big Mommy fail because I somehow didn't manage to get your picture with the pink bear for months 7 and 8.  Oops!

8 Months Old (5 Months Adjusted)

9 Months Old (6 Months Adjusted)

10 Months Old (7 Months Adjusted)

11 Months Old (8 Months Adjusted)

1 Year Old (9 Months Adjusted)

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