Monday, April 16, 2012

"Nobody Puts Baby In a Corner"

Last week was a relatively uneventful week, but since I know you all can't go too long without seeing pics of my cute kid, I thought I better crank out a post!  Casey had her biweekly weigh-in and she gained 6 ounces over the past two weeks.  Not stellar, but it was pretty much what we expected since she hasn't shown a huge interest in completing her full feeds lately.  She is still gaining weight and maintaining her growth curve, so we really aren't too concerned.  Her less than enthusiastic reception to the bottle may just be due to teething discomfort, or that our girl is so alert and aware of what is going on around her all the time that she just can't be bothered to sit still long enough to finish a bottle these days.  For now, we will continue fortifying her milk to boost her weight gain (guess it was wishful thinking that we would be getting rid of it so soon).  Our other news on the eating front is that since we have had two weeks of successful spoon feeding practice with rice cereal, and after talking extensively with our speech therapist and dietitian, we agreed it was a good time to introduce Stage 1 foods. Over the weekend Casey got her first taste of sweet potatoes, and after the initial surprise at a new taste, she has done really well with her first baby food.  It is hard to believe what a big girl she is becoming!

Oh, and in case you need further proof of how micro preemies can overcome even the toughest odds, I caught this story on the news the other day, and have been following it all week. The family of this little girl (also a 26 weeker) was told that their baby died, only to discover her alive after 12 hours in the morgue.  This certainly makes me even more thankful for the incredible team of doctors and nurses who were looking out for our own sweet miracle girl.  We know all too well the uphill battle in front of them, and this little fighter needs lots of prayers:

As promised, here is our Doodlebug's latest cuteness:

 How did we get so lucky to end up with such a happy kid

 I may be biased, but isn't she the cutest?

 "Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner!" And then the title of my post becomes clear!  Also, one of the all time Best.Movie.Quotes.Ever! This was the first onesie I bought Casey last summer after we found out she was a girl, and at long last it finally fits!  I had to scour the internet to find it, but I prevailed. (Funny story, when I was in college I found another version of this onesie at Kohl's, but was pretty sure my future unknown husband would find it creepy if I bought it and stashed it away.)

 Rocking her August birthstone color

Such a sweet girl

 Mommy Loves Me!

 "Who needs toys when you've got FEET?!?"

 Ready to eat!

Blissfully unaware of what is in store

 "That is not rice cereal, I repeat NOT rice cereal!"

 Not too sure about it yet

She decided it might not be so bad after all.

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