Monday, April 23, 2012

We're Even

Today marks a pretty big day, as we are now even...It has been 130 days since Casey came home, meaning she has lived at home with us as many days as she spent in the hospital. So after today the numbers are on our side! Just thinking of all that she has accomplished in these last 130 days really reinforces just how long our lives were on hold, and how thankful we are for all she has overcome and that she is home and doing so well.  Speaking of her accomplishments, the Doodle has made some pretty big discoveries lately.  Her newest feat is making all kinds of noises with her mouth.  She is absolutely fascinated by clicks, kissing noises, raspberries, and it is so cute to watch her get so serious about trying to imitate them.  She is vocalizing a lot more, and is always entertaining us with her babbling conversation (I had a pretty cute video of this, but didn't have the energy to edit and upload for this post).  She is also pretty intent these days on trying to rearrange my nose and lips every time I get my face a little to close to her grasp!  Casey has also started to show interest in our pets for the first time, and while she likes to "pet" them, she especially likes to grab chunks of their fur.  So far they have been pretty accommodating, but not sure how much longer that is going to last!  We also bought Casey a jumper/activity center this week as sitting upright seems to be her preferred position these days.  She loves to play with all the attachments and serenade us by banging on the musical parts.  Baby food continues to go well, and she finished off her sweet potatoes like a champ and we are on to bananas.  They haven't been quite as well received, but hopefully another day or so and she will be more accepting of them.  The best part about baby food is that it has seemed to help regulate her a bit, and we haven't had as many issues with constipation lately (and yes, I am fully aware that my child will probably be horrified to read this blog some day in the future and learn of my over sharing in this department.  I'm sure it won't be the last time I completely embarrass her!).  Oh, and we are still waiting on those teeth she is working on to make their appearance, but judging on the increase in her fussiness lately, we can probably expect them any day now.

Here are all the latest pictures:

Looking cute in her outfit from Grandma

 Like a true fashion diva, Casey is fascinated by her clothing!

 It was reported that these footie pants were quite the distraction at Gigi's house last week!

 Playing in her new contraption

 She was precious in her "Are you a ladybug or a girl bug?" dress
Our purple princess

 Cheesy grin!

 Blowing raspberries!

 How cute is this little skirt outfit?

Happy to get that giant flower off her head

 I would like to formally apologize if you were the recipient of this picture over the weekend with the caption "And Mommy said she was a fashion major." The real caption should have been "Daddy thinks he is really funny!"  I asked him to get her dressed in the outfit I set out, and apparently it wasn't self-explanatory how this outfit was meant to be worn.
 Casey got to meet my cousin Rachel for the first time when she came in town for the weekend!

 Such a pretty girl

I know it is kind of hard to read the note, but since I can hardly remember my last name most days (thankfully I named my blog after it in case I forget), I often leave myself notes so I don't forget things in the morning.  Apparently this particular morning it fell on the floor, and I guess Grace was just doing her part to ensure I didn't leave without Casey's milk!


  1. 1) She is just the cutest little girl I have ever seen. Seriously. And the way you dress her!!! (I die!)
    2) I very vividly remember the day that we had been home longer than we had spent in the NICU. A very big day! Congrats! Not only have you been home longer now, but you also haven't had any return trips to the hospital and have a very healthy beautiful baby girl!
    3) I post about Samuel's digestive issues all of the time...and you're right...perhaps they will both kill us later. ;)
    4) So glad that baby food is going well!

  2. Angela,

    Where did you get the ladybug outfit? She is so cute. I love reading your blog.

  3. Misty - My mom got it for her. I think at a shop on the Square in McKinney.
