Monday, April 2, 2012

Trying New Things

The big excitement in the Sattler house last week was that Casey had her first introduction to rice cereal.  All in all, it went pretty well, and it is hard to believe that our girl is actually big enough to sit in her high chair now!  Our Speech Pathologist was there for her first try, and was impressed with how well Casey handled spoon feeding. She is only taking about a tablespoon a day, but Casey seems to be pretty accepting of the new addition to her diet. One of the benefits of rice cereal is that it can help reduce spit-ups, and so far it seems to be helping.  Even though she isn't taking much yet, our main goal for now is to get her used to taking food from a spoon, and then hopefully we will be able to introduce Stage 1 foods sometime soon.

Ready or not, here it comes!

 Not too sure about it yet 

Messy girl

The other exciting news to report is that Casey had a great weight gain.  She gained a total of 11 ounces over the two weeks since her last check, and her new total is 13 pounds 9 ounces! Our Dietitian is even suggesting that if her next weight gain is as good that we can discontinue fortifying her milk.  The hospital began doing this since a couple weeks after she was born to add calories and help with her weight gain and we have continued it since she came home.  Fortifying is kind of a pain, can further add to her constipation issues, and not to mention is expensive, so we would be pretty excited to discontinue it.  That about sums up our week.  I will leave you with the latest pics of our adorable Doodlebug:

Giant flowers make every outfit cuter!
"What, I'm not supposed to lift up my shirt?"
Polka dotted cutie
Probably one of my all time favorite outfits!
Sticking out that tongue
Throwing her hands up in the air, and waving them around like she just don't care!


Mischievous look
Such a happy baby
That lip!

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